Welcome to Andiamo
Andiamo is a custom PHP application with two primary functions. The first is to prepare a newly provisioned Ubuntu server to host specific types of websites, and the second is to get those websites up and running.
#1 Prepare new server
php andiamo go:install [email protected]
#2 Launch new website
php andiamo project:php example.org example
There are two packages that need to be installed on your server to use Andiamo:
to clone itphp-cli
to interact with it
apt install git php-cli --assume-yes
Andiamo is still in development and therefore not yet public. That said, there's actually no installation. It just needs to be cloned down and you're ready to roll.
git clone https://github.com/ryansechrest/andiamo.git
Behind the Scenes
Let's take a closer look at what go:install
and project:php
actually do.
Prepare new server
# php andiamo go:install <email>
php andiamo go:install [email protected]
- Fetches and updates existing server packages.
- Installs Nginx, MySQL, PHP, and Certbot.
- Creates MySQL user for Andiamo.
- Registers ACME account to get SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt.
Your email address is only used to register an ACME account.
Launch new website
# php andiamo project:php <domain> <user>
php andiamo project:php example.org example
- Creates Linux user.
- Creates website directory with proper permissions.
- Creates php-fpm config file.
- Creates MySQL user and database with proper privileges.
- Creates Nginx config file with symlink to enable site.
- Requests SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt.
Your domain should point to the server before the SSL certificate is requested.
Next Up
A video demonstrating how Andiamo looks, how it configures a new server, and how it launches a website. We'll also take a deeper dive into how Andiamo works under the hood. Last, an update on where Andiamo currently is in development.
If you're interested in following this project or trying Andiamo before its release, sign up for email updates. For questions, say [email protected].